
Quick fire with Josh Coppins

Posted by Workshop Graphics on 31st Aug 2018

Quick fire with Josh Coppins

1.You’re in a crowded room, would you rather fart loudly and everyone laughs, or be the only one laughing obnoxiously when someone else farts?

Im the obnoxious one for sure!


2.Would you rather live one life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?

10 lives for 100 years have you seen me walk?


3.Would you rather be without elbows or without knees?

Knees for sure mine don’t seem to last that long


4.Would you rather use eye drops made from vinegar or toilet paper made from sandpaper?

Sandpaper toilet paper…


5.Would you rather be a clown that distracts the bull or the cowboy that rides the bull?

Cowboy that rides the bull


6.Would you rather go about your day today naked or fall asleep for a year?

Id prefer naked however when I travel a lot I feel like sleeping for a year..


7.Would you rather be super fast or super strong?



8.Would you rather get even or get over it?

The old JC was get even the new imrpoved version is get over it


9.Would you rather have two long yellow front teeth like a beaver, or no teeth at all?

No teeth at all


10.Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald

Bald, its not far off!